Henry Hudson Kitson

Sir Henry Hudson Kitson, often known as H. H. Kitson, American sculptor, born in Huddersfield, England on April 9, 1865 and died at Tyringham, Massachusetts, on June 26, 1947. His student and wife Theo Alice Ruggles Kitson was also a sculptor.

Harry, as he was known by his numererous brothers and sisters, migrated to the United States about 1880 where he was employed by his oldest brother John William Kitson. William Kitson was in business with another Englishman Robert Ellin; their firm, Ellin & Kitson, were identified as architectural sculptors. They specialized in interior carving and wood work in commercial structures and churches. Some buildings they worked on were the Equitable Building, the Tilden Mansion, the Astor Memorial Redos and the William K. Vanderbilt House.

Harry and Samuel James Kitson the next oldest brother were both employed by Ellin and Kitson doing sculptural work. According to family oral history, William now quite successful encouraged and financially provided for Harry Kitson to move to Paris where he studied at the Ecole des Beaux-Arts under the sculptor Jean-Marie Bonnassieux. He returned to Boston about 1888 where he received numerous commissions and began teaching. John William Kitson died in 1888 (see NY Times) and Samuel James had relocated to Boston. The youngest brother Robert Lewellen Kitson a water-colorist joined his older brothers in Boston about 1902.

In 1893 Henry married Theo Alice Ruggles, a former student of his, who went on to have a successful career of her own as Theo Alice Ruggles Kitson. Theo and Harry had three children: Theo (called Babs), John, who became a civil engineer, and Dorothy. None of the children had issue. The noted sculptor Gaston Lachaise worked in his atelier. Many of Henry Hudson Kitson papers are in the Archives of American Art in Washington D.C. as well as the New York Historical Society. Kitson only carried a British passport.

He was the author of numerous public monuments, and left behind his home Santarella in Tyringham. The home, which Kitson modified extensively, was recently restored and now operates as a special events venue as well as providing overnight accommodation.

He was knighted by the Queen of Rumania in the early 1900s.

Selected works


Family letters, business letters, photos and other documents held by family historian

External links